Peter Gstettner - Exkursion zum Gedenkort ehemaliges Loibl-KZ

The two Mauthausen outcamps on the Loibl Pass were established in June 1943. The prisoners were split into two KZs, the  southern camp  (in present-day Slovenia) and the northern camp (in Carinthia). The deportees were forced to dig the 1,542 m long road tunnel, with the more demanding technical work done by employees of the civil construction company UNIVERSALE, the general contractor for the tunnel construction. A total of about 1,650 prisoners were interned in both concentration camps, many of them French. At the Loibl-KZ-North, the t

The two Mauthausen secondary camps on the Loibl Pass  were founded in June 1943. The prisoners were divided into two kIs, the  southern camp  (in present-day Slovenia) and the northern camp (in Carinthia). The deportees had to dig the 1,542 m long road tunnel at the apex, with the demanding technical work done by employees of the civil construction company UNIVERSALE, which was also the general contractor for the tunnel construction. A total of about 1,650 prisoners were interned in both concentration camps, many of whom were French. In the Loibl-KZ-Nord, the weather conditions were particularly harsh and the camp supervisors or Kapos particularly ferocius.. So far, the names of 36 deportees, who died at Loibl, have been researched. To this day, they have neither a tombstone nor a place of remembrance. Thanks to the help of the Slovenian partisans and civilian workers, a total of 22 prisoners managed to escape. On May 8, 1945, the prisoners on the "Death March" to the  Rosental were liberated by partisans. – When the main war criminals from the  Loiblpass were convicted in Klagenfurt in 1947 before an Allied military court, the horrific events at Loibl were still a topic of public conversation. Soon after, "the silence in the forest" reigned.

The creation of the present memorial is a conflict-ridden process that is illustrated and interpreted on the location. The experiences of the cooperators  and guides of the  Mauthausen Committee Carinthia/Koroska in the conflict of interests between the Federal Monuments Office, the Federal Mauthausen Memorial in Vienna and the landowner on the one hand, and the volunteer initiators and  caretakers of the Carinthian Memorial and the visitor groups and descendants of the former inmates on the other hand, show the social dynamics of this particular work of remembrance at Loibl.

The illustrated comparison of the Loibl-Nord and Loibl-Süd memorials can be an additional insight, especially if one takes into account the different political environment. Overall: a good way to get to know "Mauthausen on our doorstep".